Collaboration in Ekphrasis

The word ekphrasis comes from the Greek for the description of a work of art produced as a rhetorical exercise. It is a vivid, often dramatic, verbal description of a visual work of art, either real or imagined. Ekphrasis could be also understood as a kind of translation of one form of art into another.

Collaboration with the Polish poet Arek Drozd resulted in 8 image/poem entities. A. Drozd reflecting on the paintings amplified and expended the meaning.

In the collaboration with the Canadian composer Christian Girard it was I who was reflecting on the music. I created the series of paintings as a visual backdrop to C. Girard’s composition. Apart from live projection of the meteographs/ice paintings during the concert “Claire Obscure” we collaborated in creating a 15 min short film “Ice Fugue”.

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